Re: will you please make a version of ActionList using the components of Business Skin Form

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 04/28/2003 18:25:56

It would be very hard to maintain several versions of RVA forms.

RVA development is not finished.

New version already includes a page setup dialog. Dialogs for bookmarks and

management of styles are planned.

Changes are planned in existing forms (for example, defining spacing around

image, different styles of horizontal lines).

I think the most promising way is creating a procedure that will replace all

standard controls on form with corresponding third-party controls. Such

procedure can be run in TfrmRVBase,OnCreate (since this form is a base of

all RVA forms, it will be applied to all forms).

Something like this

for i := ComponentCount-1 downto 0 do

  if Components[i] is TButton then begin

    btn := TMySuperButton.Create(Self);

    with TButton(Components[i]) do begin

      btn.SetBounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);

      btn.Caption := Caption;

      btn,Parent := Parent;

      btn.Tag := Tag;

      btn.OnClick := OnClick;




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