Re: Typing in foreign language

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 12/15/2003 16:13:51

The only way to support double-byte languages (Thai, Chinese, Japanese,

Korean) in TRichView is using Unicode.

You need to set Unicode property of all RVStyle.TextStyles to true.

To prevent non-Unicode characters appearing after RTF import, set

rv.RTFReadProperties.UnicodeMode to rvruOnlyUnicode.

You may also need to convert your existing documents to Unicode (code can be

found in, I can repost if you need)


> Hi,

> Our company has customer in Thailand and so we need to display Thai text

> in RVEdit. I tried, on windows XP which has been installed with Thai


> in addition to English and set the keyboard to Thai. The Thai language


> in the Windows Notepad but not in RVEdit.


> I have set the charset to THAI_CHARSET. I wonder what do I have to set to

> show the Thai characters when typing in RVEDit.


> Thanks.


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