table cell data question

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Daniel Zimmerman

Posted: 06/25/2005 5:12:45

I've just encountered what seems to be a strange problem:

I'm iterating through a table recursively, in order to change the size, and

it appears that while changing the size, in one case, the cell data

contains an item which is a table, which in turn contains a cell which is

equivalent to the original cell.

To make this clearer, here is the relevant code.  This method is always

initially called with the rvedit's data property  (and it is not the case

that the cell data is equal to the rvedit's data).

The end result of this problem is that the method gets stuck in an infinite

loop, because when it calls adjustTableSizeRecur, it's calling it with an

object which is identical to the object that was passed in. 

Most of the time this works perfectly - just one time, with an RVEdit with

a single table and 2 rows and 2 columns, did it fail.

procedure adjustTableSizeRecur(const byFactor: single; data:

       TcustomRvFormattedData; var wasChanged: boolean);


  cntr, colCntr, rowCntr, cellCntr: integer;

  curTable: TRvTableItemInfo;

  curCell: TRvTableCellData;

  startingHeight: integer;//, startingWidth: integer;


  if data = nil then


  for cntr := 0 to data.ItemCount - 1 do begin

    if data.GetItem(cntr).StyleNo = rvsTable then begin

       curTable := TRvTableItemInfo(getItem(cntr));

       {code for changing the table size ...}

       for rowCntr := 0 to curTable.Rows.count-1 do begin

          for colCntr := 0 to curTable.rows[rowCntr].count-1 do begin

             curCell := curTable.cells[rowCntr, colCntr];

             if curCell <> nil then begin

                // catch any embedded tables

                adjustTableSizeRecur(byFactor, curCell, wasChanged);

                {more code to change the cell size...}







Is there anything obvious that we are doing wrong here?  Should we simply

allow for the possibility that "curCell" might be equal to "data", and make

that test before calling the recursive call?

Thanks in advance,


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