Scrolling in RichViewEdit embeded in another RichViewEdit.

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Posted: 06/21/2005 12:42:42


I am using a RichViewEdit embeded in another RichViewEdit. I am managing

the size of embeded RichViewEdit using the DocumentHeight property so that

all the text is visible. It is working fine.

The only problem I am facing is that if the embeded RichViewEdit becomes

larger then the parent RichViewEdit then scrolling using the arrow keys in

the embeded RichViewEdit does not scroll the parent RichViewEdit because

of which the caret becomes invisible.

How can I scroll the parent RichViewEdit to make the caret and the line on

which caret is present visible in the embeded RichViewEdit? 

I want the behaviour exactly same as in case of tables. When we scroll in

a table cell using the arrow keys and if the cell extends beyond the height

of the parent RichViewEdit then the 

parent RichViewEdit is scrolled to show the line where the caret is positioned.

Also how to deal with similar situation when other editors are used?



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