Re: screen <-> printer

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Frank Kroeger

Posted: 07/23/2003 17:04:40

Hi Sergey,

sorry to be a pain in the ass but I still don't get it.

If I can't use the prncanvas to draw on, what use does it have?

The prncanvas has 600 dpi for my printer, using this to Initialize the reporthelper

and draw pages on it gives me the right results for my pagecount but I still

don't have a correct preview. If I use the event OnPagePrepair I get a 96

dpi canvas, which with I have my pagecount problem (more lines of text fit

on the printer than on the monitor for a given area).

I don't want to draw the page on the printer.canvas because this tells my

printer to print. I just want a preview first. But drawing this on a TImage

or TPVPrintPreview gives me the wrong result (This is not just different

word wrap, it is different page counts).

I'm puzzled.

Frank Kroeger

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:



>Drawing on this PrnCanvas goes nowhere. Do not call DrawPage for it, call

>for Printer.Canvas:


>         printer.BeginDoc;

>         rvh.DrawPageAt(docleft,doctop,1,Printer.Canvas,false,docHeight);

>         printer.enddoc;




>> Hi Sergey,


>> I tried your suggestion but no luck. As a test I tried to draw a page


>> the prncanvas and then copy this canvas to the printer.canvas. I figure


>> should then print out the generated page. But this does not word. Can


>> tell me what I am doing wrong here?





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