Re: SaveHTMLEx

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 10/07/2004 19:04:48

In the last resort, you can save picture yourself without using SavePicture,

if you do not like how TRichView converts it.

I am not sure that I understand your question, I'll try to explain how

pictures are converted.

1) You can register any graphic format as RichView HTML graphic format by

calling RV_RegisterHTMLGraphicFormat for it, for example:



(call it one time when the application starts)

After that, graphics in TGifImage and TPngObject will not be saved as

jpegs - they will be saved as they are.

2) Graphics of any other formats will be saved as jpegs.

SavePicture returns the resulting image file name. You can use

ExtractFileExt to know its format.

> Thx Sergey,


> sorry thought it would be something simple it is handy to know save


> will convert the picture formats based on the save format.


> Thx again

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