Re: SaveComponentToFile && controlname

Return to index



Pieter E.

Posted: 12/19/2004 12:44:24

Dear Sergey,

It works great!

Thanks for your great support!

Pieter E.

"Sergey Tkachenko" <> wrote:

>When exporting HTML, OnSaveComponentToFile is called for all controls in



>In your code, you try to get information about the current item, i.e. item

>at the position of caret:

>rve->GetControlInfo(rve->CurItemNo, ...);

>But the current item is not necessary a control to save, and may be not


>a control at all.


>Unfotrunately, this event does not have parameters specifying the control

>location in the document.

>You need to find it yourself.

>Use this function:


>bool FindControlLocation(TCustomRVData* RVData, TControl* Ctrl,

>  TCustomRVData* &CtrlRVData, int &CtrlItemNo)


>  for (int i=0; i<RVData->ItemCount; i++)

>  {

>    if (RVData->GetItemStyle(i)==rvsComponent &&

>      ( (TRVControlItemInfo*)(RVData->GetItem(i)))->Control==Ctrl)

>   {

>      CtrlItemNo = i;

>      CtrlRVData = RVData;

>      return true;

>    }

>    if (RVData->GetItemStyle(i)==rvsTable)

>    {

>      TRVTableItemInfo*table = (TRVTableItemInfo*)(RVData->GetItem(i));

>      for (int r=0; r<table->Rows->Count; r++)

>        for (int c=0; c<table->Rows->Items[r]->Count; c++)

>          if (table->Cells[r][c])

>          {

>             if (FindControlLocation(table->Cells[r][c]->GetRVData(), Ctrl,

>               CtrlRVData, CtrlItemNo))

>               return true;

>          }

>    }

>  }

>  return false;



>How to use:


>case rvsfHTML:


>  AnsiString aName;

>  TCustomRVData*CtrlRVData;

>  int CtrlItemNo;

>  if (!FindControlLocation(rve->RVData, (TControl*)SaveMe,  CtrlRVData,


>    return;

>  // now you can use CtrlRVData->GetControlInfo(CtrlItemNo, aName, aCtrl,

>AVAlign, iTag);

>  // but it's simpler:

>  aName = CtrlRVData->GetItemText(CtlItemNo);

>  if(SaveMe->InheritsFrom(__classid(TButton)))

>  {

>    OutStr = "<input type=button name=" + aName + ">";

>    return;

>  }

>  break;







>> Dear Sergey,


>> I'm trying to save a TRichViewEdit to a HTML file. I've inserted some


>> like a TEdit and TButton. In the SaveComponentToFile event I'd like to


>> the name of a control using the following code:


>> case rvsfHTML:


>> AnsiString aName;

>> TControl *aCtrl;

>> TRVVAlign AVAlign;

>> int iTag;

>> int iIndex;

>> rve->GetControlInfo(rve->CurItemNo, aName, aCtrl, AVAlign, iTag);


>> if(SaveMe->InheritsFrom(__classid(TButton)))

>> {

>> OutStr = "<input type=button name=" + aName + ">";

>> return;

>> }

>> break;


>> I get an error when I save the TRichViewEdit to a HTML-file. When I remove

>> the "rve->GetControlInfo(rve->CurItemNo, aName, aCtrl, AVAlign, iTag);"


>> works correctly, only I can't get the name of the control.


>> Is there another way to get the controlname??


>> Thanks.


>> Pieter E.



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