Re: RTL Bugs

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/29/2004 17:44:54

I removed your post because of attachment size (it's preferrable to send

files larger than 30k by email)

Did you set BiDiMode property to rvbdRightToLeft? I guess not because

otherwise bullets must be to the right side.

If you need to support RTL text, you need to

- set RichViewEdit.BiDiMode property to rvbdRightToLeft or rvbdLeftToRight

(depending on the primary language of your documents)

- you can modify direction in the paragraph or in the selected text; if you

use RichViewActions, you can use

TrvActionParaLTR, TrvActionParaRTL – set default bidi mode for the selected


TrvActionTextLTR, TrvActionTextRTL – set bidi mode for the selected text.

> I send 4 Image about bugs,

> sorry if attachment is not tinny.





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