Printing with ReportBuider

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Justin Turberville

Posted: 04/04/2002 18:23:26

We have made a RichView support component for use in ReportBuilder

(Piparti). The preview is now working reasonably well, but with the

printing, while the page starts in the correct position after the report

header and ends without writing over the report footer, the font is way

larger than it should be. Embedded pictures are drawn at the correct

position and size and a table's frame is also correct in position and size,

so we seem to have the scaling correct - it's just the @#$ font! The page is

being drawn to ReportBuilder's printer canvas and not directly to the actual

printer canvas, but it's canvas is being set to the correct font style on

TextOutA in TFontInfo.Draw, so it seems to be some sort of canvas setting,

or probably more likely, ReportBuilder is doing some sort of stretch copy to

the actual printer canvas that is scaling the graphics, but not the fonts -

but the problem does not exist with other ReportBuilder components.

Any suggestions?

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