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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/28/2002 1:41:04

If you insert OLE object in TOLEContainer, then TOLEContainer in RichView -

you can see them in document, use their menu and activate them by double


You can see an example in the editor demo - Edit | Paste As | Ole.

You may wish to modify code to remove border from TOLEContainer.

Unfortunately, not all is so good.

Some OLE objects work perfectly (for example, Paint picture), some of them

have problems (Word, Excel)

Problem 1: Sometimes they are not deactivated when clicking outside (looks


this problem can be solved by adding TOLEContainer(Sender).Close in

OnDeactivate of TOLEContainer)

Problem 2: Weird scrolling when activating, if RichView.Align = alClient

(looks like this problem can be solved by assigning Align = alNone, and all

Anchors to true).

But inplace editing is still not so smooth as in RichEdit. Unfortunately, MS

Office objects do not want to be activated outplace.

But I am afraid I'll not create a true OLE container from RichView.

A lot of work, with questionable effect.


> I was looking for a way to embed OLE objects "directly" into RichView

> documents, e.g. images, Excel spreadsheets, or PowerPoint drawings, the


> way as you can do it in MS Word or in InfoPower's TwwRichEdit.   You can


> them in the document, and by double-clicking you can open the original

> application, and edit them. I use in couple of applications the InfoPower

> components, and would like to switch to TRichView.


> Michael



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