Re: Making helpfile

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 03/09/2004 22:19:28


Save topics ("pages") in some kind of a database.

Then user click a hyperlink, OnJump event occurs. Load the target document

to the same editor.

There is, of course, a problem of saving. The topic contained hyperlink can

be modified, and then user goes to another topic, changes must be saved


I can suggest the following solution: create a temporal copy of the opened

database. Make all changes in this copy. Then user choose to save changes,

copy this temporal database into the original one. If user leaves without

saving, just delete this temporal database.


> Hi,

> Our company is drawing up a project for making helpfile make similar to


> & Manual. There are questions to be clarified and one of them is as below:


> If I were to have several pages of text type in TRichview, what is the


> way to handle this. As help manual can contains hundreds of pages, user


> occasionally jump from one page to another. How(what is the best way) to

> display pages in TRichview?


> 1.Do I create instances of TRichview or do I load and save the content of

> the page each time the user change the page?


> 2.Will there be speed problem in loading the page each time?


> Do kindly give a guidance. Most of all, I hope you understand the point of

> the question.


> Thank you for your kind assistance.

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