Re: Load-text wrong word-wrap?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 08/11/2003 12:09:49

You cannot specify -1 as the second parameter. It means that all lines

(except for the first line) of text will be added to the same paragraph as

the first line.

True in the last parameter means: to add line breaks instead of real

paragraph breaks (difference is noticeable if the paragraph has first line

indent, positive space-before/after attributes, border or bullet/numbering)


> I load a text-file(a dfm-File) in richview-edit:

>     RichView.Clear;

>     RichView.Update;

>     RichView.LoadText(Filename,0,-1,True);

>     RichView.Format;

> but the word-wrap of the lines is not where the carriage return is.

> When I open with notepad all looks correct.


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