List Index out of bounds

Return to index



Alan McDonald

Posted: 12/31/2004 3:35:34

I have found the cause of this isue but I would love to hear why it happens

if you can give me a clue to work on.

I have a screen with a pagecontrol (5 pages). Each page has a DBRichViewEdit

control on it. They are linked to different db fields. I can walk (navigate)

thru the records of the table and also select a page for different fields.

If I delete four of them and work only with one field, I do not get any

errors. If I place another control on another page, I get this error - I

imagine there is confusion somewhere as to which field the control is

working with and drawing it's styles list from.

I've tried setting the default control. But it still doesn;t work. Any ideas

what I can try



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