Re: interrupt the rve version from runtime

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 10/05/2002 13:46:47

I did not change RVF version number when I added storing of extra item

properties (such as imagewidth and imageheight).

If you do not change any of these properties, RVF file saved with the last

version of RichView can be opened with older version.

In future, new versions will always read RVF files saved by older versions.


> Hi,


> Is there any methods to determined the version of rvf. Such as if i export

> the rve to rvf file by using the rve version 1.6.x but later on we use the

> lastest version of rve to open the rvf which implement by version 1.6.x.

> Cause as i know the implementation of resize image is being progress. But

> right now we use our own to perform resize image. So we are interested to

> how to migrate to the new implementation. At least we must know the


> version of rve at runtime.


> Thanks


> Jeff

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