Re: How to replace picture in richviewedit

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 09/28/2004 14:56:21

1) trichview.BackgroundBitmap

bmp := TBitmap.Create;


rv.BackgroundBitmap := bmp; // image is copied here

bmp.Free; // you still need to free the original image

2) cell.BackgroundImage

bmp := TBitmap.Create;


cell.BackgroundImage := bmp; // image is copied here

bmp.Free; // you still need to free the original image

The same is for table.BackgroundImage.

Unlike trichview.BackgroundBitmap, you can assign not only bitmaps, but any

graphic type for these properties

3) For items - image is not copied but owned by TRichView.

You can use RVData.SetPictureInfo to change it, where RVData may be

trichview.RVData is the item is not in table, or cell.GetRVData, if the item

is in a table cell.

bmp := TBitmap.Create;


RVData.SetPictureInfo(... bmp ...);

// do not free bmp!

What to do if you want to load graphics from file, do not know file format,

but want to load it anyway if it's supported by Delphi.

var pic: TPicture;

      gr: TGraphic;

pic.LoadFromFile(...); // TPicture can detect file format

gr := RV_CreateGraphics(TGraphicClass(pic.Graphic.ClassType)); // from

RVFuncs unit


Now use gr as bmp in the examples 2-3 above.

The examples above assume that you do not want to make these operations


> Hello,

> I want to replace programmatically pictures in a richview document using

> BackgroundImage, Cell.BackgroundImage or Cell.GetPictureInfo ==> I get a

> Tgraphic object.

> How to change it (Loading from a file for example) and replace it in the

> richview document.

> Thanks in advance

> Jean Jacques Serpoul



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