Re: executable size

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 01/13/2005 11:05:32

This tip can be applied only to the registered version (with source code).

You can remove unused RichView features from the compiled exe-file, if you

add the following compiler defines:

RVDONOTUSEJPEGIMAGE - remove a special support for Jpegs;

RVDONOTUSEHTML - remove code for HTML export;

RVDONOTUSERTF - remove code for RTF export;

RVDONOTUSERTFIMPORT - remove code for RTF import;

RVDONOTUSERVF - remove code working with native RichView format (you

cannot remove it if you use TRichViewEdit, TDBRichView or TDBRichViewEdit in

your project);

RVDONOTUSEUNICODE - remove a code for Unicode support;

RVDONOTUSETABLES - remove all code related to tables.

RVDONOTUSETABS - removes the most of code related to tabulators;

RVDONOTUSELISTS - removes code related to bullets&numbering;

RVDONOTUSEINI - removes code for saving and loading styles to ini-files and

the Registry;

RVDONOTUSEDRAGDROP - removes drag&drop-related code

RVDONOTUSELIVESPELL - removes code making live spell checking

There are some more useful defines, see

> There is an old message in this group about reducing executable  size.  It

> references an item in another group,but I can't find it.  Is there a way


> reduce the size of the exe?


> Thanks,

> Marie Claire



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