Re: Euro is not converted into HTML 4.01 standard

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David Michael

Posted: 09/24/2004 21:13:47

> Are pages displayed better by browsers after this processing?

For me it wasn't a display issue. The special characters were causing

problems when the blog server parsed the XML used to post.

These are the steps I was going through:

1. Export TRVE to HTML

2. Bundle HTML output in XML (as per the blog's API)

3. Post XML to blog

The special characters would cause a scripting error on the post. By adding

the step to replace the special characters with their HTML encoding, I

solved the problem.

Just to mention it: I only did substitution for the characters that had

"named" encodings (like ° and °), and the curly quotes. If I run into a

need to do the others, I'll add them.


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