Re: Drag and Drop file into the table...

Return to index



Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 12/04/2002 23:08:00

From where and to where do you want to drag text?

GetWordAt may return word of text inserted in table, not a name of table...


> I use the table as a kind of protected (small) spreadsheet.

> The user should be able to drag&drop a text to the selected cell.

> The application should know, which table and which cell has been selected.

> I used your dragimg-example, but it doesne't work correctly.

> Here is a short piece of code:


> procedure TForm1.rvDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X,Y: Integer);

> var RVData : TCustomRVFormattedData;

>     ItemNo,row,col : Integer;

>     ItemName : string;

>     rve: TCustomRichViewEdit;

> begin

>   MoveCaretTo(X,Y);

>   RichViewEdit1.GetWordAt(X,Y,RVData,ItemNo,ItemName);

>   if ItemName='TabMed' then begin

>      RVDATA.clear;

>      RVDATA.AddNL('test'),0,0);

>      RichViewEdit1.format;

>   end;

>   StatusBar.Panels[0].Text:='? ?';

>   if ItemName='TabMed' then begin

>      rve:=tabMed.GetEditedCell(Row,Col);

>      if rve<>nil

>         then StatusBar.Panels[0].Text:=Format('Row: %d,Col:


>   end;

> end;


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