Re: Do it this way

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Posted: 02/21/2003 20:13:14

Should be     'else if SaveMe is TRxGIFAnimator then begin'

RichViewEdit1.GetCurrentControlInfo(GifName, ctrl, Align, Tag)

Should not be used here. There is a way to get the 'name' where you would

have stored the file name of your gif but I seem to have forgotten about how

to do it. Hope you get the idea.

And before I forget, you have to add

        OutStr := '<img src=' + MyFileName + ' nosave="" height="' +

        IntToStr(TRxGIFAnimator(SaveMe).Image.Height) +

        '" width="' + IntToStr(TRxGIFAnimator(SaveMe).Image.Width) + '">';

or something like that, where MyFileNme is the file name of your gif.

Your gif can now actually be viewed by IE or Netscape.

Good luck.

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