Re: Autocompletion ?

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Stef Mientki

Posted: 11/15/2003 15:38:07

Thanks very much Sergey.

This is exactly what I had in mind.

What you said about the undo order,

I think it still works very acceptable, so no problem.

So thanks again for your excellent and fast respons !

Stef Mientki

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:

> Here is the simplest example. It changes 'ms$' to 'one of Bills products'

> when you type 'ms$' and press one of characters listed in the Delimiters

> property (more exactly, when you press this character to the right of

> 'ms$').


> There is only one problem: wrong order of undo. Autocompletion occurs before

> inserting the delimiter character, so this character is undone before the

> autocompletion.

> Is it acceptable for you?


> procedure TForm3.RichViewEdit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);

> var rve: TCustomRichViewEdit;

>     ItemNo, WordEnd, WordStart: Integer;

>     s: String;

>     {..................................}

>     function IsDelimiter(ch: Char): Boolean;

>     begin

>       Result := Pos(ch, RichViewEdit1.Delimiters)<>0;

>     end;

>     {..................................}

> begin

>   if not IsDelimiter(Key) then

>     exit;

>   rve := RichViewEdit1.TopLevelEditor;

>   ItemNo := rve.CurItemNo;

>   WordEnd := rve.OffsetInCurItem;

>   if rve.GetItemStyle(ItemNo)<0 then

>     exit;

>   s := rve.GetItemTextA(ItemNo);

>   WordStart := WordEnd;

>   if WordStart<1 then

>     exit;

>   while (WordStart-1>0) and not IsDelimiter(s[WordStart-1]) do

>     dec(WordStart);

>   s := Copy(s, WordStart, WordEnd-WordStart);

>   if s='ms$' then begin

>     rve.SetSelectionBounds(ItemNo, WordStart, ItemNo, WordEnd);

>     rve.InsertText('one of Bills products');

>   end;

> end;



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