Re: AllowMultiple

Return to index




Posted: 06/08/2003 23:56:51

Actually MS Word works different. When I have a table with e.g. 3

columns and 5 rows and I select 3 rows and then insert Rows above or

below then 3 new rows are inserted. In RVE only 1 is inserted. The

same with the columns.

TrvActionTableInsertRowsBelow has the property AllowMultiple but it

doesn't seem to have any effect, at least not in this respect.


Sergey Tkachenko wrote:

> It works like MS Word. It asks to enter a number of rows only when adding

> rows to the end of the table.



>>The action TrvActionTableInsertRowsBelow is the only one of its kind

>>that has an AllowMultiple property.

>>Is there any reason for this?



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