Re: Advantages of RVF vs RTF?

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Sergey Tkachenko

Posted: 05/11/2005 19:20:40

Advantages of RVF:

- it's a native format of TRichView, it's possible to save and load

documents to RVF without changes;

- it's more compact, and saving and loading is faster

Advantages of RTF:

- can be read by other applications

Not all TRichView document properties can be saved to RTF.

For example, RTF supports only a limited set of graphic formats (bitmaps,

metafiles, png, jpeg). You cannot save, for example, gif, to RTF without

converting it to another graphic format (and gif animation will be lost).

Table and cell background images cannot be saved to RTF. Table color (not

cell colors) and some other properties  too. Sets of paragraph borders in

RTF and in TRichView are not completely the same, so they are converted to

the most similar one, and so on.

TRichView cannot save inserted controls in RTF.

Imagelist pictures ("bullets" and "hotspots") are converted to bitmaps or

metafiles when saving to RTF.

Generally, I recommend to use RVF as internal file format, and RTF if you

need to export data to other applications.

> I have a couple apps already in place that store the documents in RTF


> in a database table and have just converted to RichViewEdit1 using

> LoadRTFFromStream and SaveRTFToStream and just wonder if their will be any

> feature of  RichViewEdit that I won't be able to use.


> I just started using RichViewEdit and have a full blown editor that rivals

> much of MS Word in just a few days!  RichViewEdit is awesome!



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