Determine bounds of selection in pixels ?

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Ivan Totev

Posted: 03/21/2005 14:37:24

Determine bounds of selection in pixels ?

(In C++)

I got the next problem. There's a some text:



Location: .....

Number .../Date ../../..”

I would like to select dots, determine width of selection in pixels and then

delete dots (selection) and then insert component TEditBox.

I got originally document with different count of dots and different width

in pixels. I can to stretch TEditBox Control, but this is a lost time when

document is big and got a lot of dots.

The main goal is to put text to a read-only TRichView component and user

write only in EditBoxes without losing formating of text.

        TEdit* edt = new TEdit((TComponent*)NULL);

        edt->BorderStyle = bsNone;

        edt->Ctl3D = false;

        edt->Cursor = crIBeam;

        edt->Height = 18;

        etd->Width = ???????????????;

        edt->ShowHint = true;

        edt->Hint = "Write Here ...";

        edt->ParentFont = true;

        edt->Font->Size = 10;

        edt->OnClick = OnControlClick;


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