TRVScroller.ScrollTo [VCL and LCL], ScrollToPosition [FMX]

<< Click to display table of contents >>

TRVScroller.ScrollTo [VCL and LCL], ScrollToPosition [FMX]

Scrolls content of the document vertically to the specified position y (in pixels).

VCL and LCL:

procedure ScrollTo(y: TRVCoord; SmoothScroll: Boolean = False);

(modified in v19)

Vertical scrollbar units are not pixels, so scrolling will be not exactly to specified position (but a little bit higher).

Assign SmoothScroll = True for a smooth scrolling effect.


procedure ScrollToPosition(y: TRVCoord; SmoothScroll: Boolean = False);

SmoothScroll is ignored.


See also properties:



See also:

Scrolling in TRichView.