Creates an instance of TRVReportHelperWithHeaderFooters component.
constructor Create;
The constructor:
▪creates TRVReportHelper component that will be used for the main document (it is accessible as MainDoc)
▪creates TRVReportHelper components that will be used for all six headers and footers (they are accessible as GetHeader and GetFooter), assigns them as headers/footers to the main document;
▪creates TRVStyle components for each created TRVReportHelper and assigns them;
▪assigns properties of TRVReportHelper components so that they load RTF and RVF documents with maximum possible quality;
▪for TRVStyle of all headers and footers, assigns their MainRVStyle properties to MainDoc.RichView.Style (so, if you decide to use style templates, they all will use MainDoc.RichView.Style.StyleTemplates.
Default value