TCustomRichViewEdit.SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd, SetItemExtraIntPropertyExEd

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TCustomRichViewEdit.SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd, SetItemExtraIntPropertyExEd

Editing-style methods for changing a value of the specified additional integer property of the ItemNo-th item..

procedure SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd(ItemNo: Integer;
  Prop: TRVExtraItemProperty; Value: Integer;
  AutoReformat: Boolean);

procedure SetItemExtraIntPropertyExEd(ItemNo, Prop,
  Value: Integer; AutoReformat: Boolean);

(introduced in versions 1.7 and 15)

These methods set a new Value of the item property identified by Prop.

ItemNo index of the item, from 0 to ItemCount-1. Items of subdocuments (table cells) are not included in the items range of the main document. For items in cells, activate inplace-editor, select the proper item in the cell  (SelSelectionBounds), and call SetItemExtraIntProperty[Ex]Ed of this inplace-editor. Alternatively, you can use SetCurrentItemExtraIntProperty[Ex].

In SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd, Prop's type is TRVExtraItemProperty. See information about this type for the list of properties.

In SetItemExtraIntPropertyExEd, Prop's type is Integer. If Prop can be converted to TRVExtraItemProperty, SetItemExtraIntPropertyExEd works like SetItemExtraIntPropertyEd. In addition, it supports properties identified by rveipc*** constants

If AutoReformat=True, these methods automatically reformat the document and call OnChange.

If AutoReformat=False (this can be useful if you set several properties of an item at once), call Change and reformat the document after it yourself. A reformatting depends on the property:

some properties do not require reformatting (for example, colors), repainting is enough (call Invalidate);

some properties require a local reformatting (change properties between calls of BeginItemModify and EndItemModify);

some properties require a complete reformatting (for example, "start-from" and "reset" of numbered sequences) (call Reformat).


Methods type: editstyle editing-style (unlike SetItemExtraIntProperty[Ex]).

When possible, use SetCurrentItemExtraIntProperty[Ex] instead of these methods.


See also methods:



See also methods of TCustomRichView:
