TCustomRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd, SetStrPropertyEd, SetFloatPropertyEd

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TCustomRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd, SetStrPropertyEd, SetFloatPropertyEd

Editing-style methods for changing properties of the editor.

procedure SetIntPropertyEd(Prop: TRVIntProperty;

  Value: Integer;  AutoReformat: Boolean);
procedure SetStrPropertyEd(Prop: TRVStrProperty;

  const Value: TRVUnicodeString; AutoReformat: Boolean);
procedure SetFloatPropertyEd(Prop: TRVFloatProperty;

  Value: TRVLength; AutoReformat: Boolean);

(introduced in version 15; changed in version 18)


Prop identifies the property to change. If the property is a property of enumerated type, use Ord(). If the property is a boolean property, any non-zero value means True.

Value new property value.

If AutoReformat=True, the editor is reformatted (if necessary), and Change is called. Normally, this method is called with AutoReformat=True if you change a single property. If you call these methods multiple times for changing multiple properties, reformat (if necessary) and call Change yourself.


Method type: editstyle editing-style (unlike direct assignment to these properties).


Example 1: calling for a property of an enumerated type (using Ord):

MyRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd(rvipBackgroundStyle, Ord(bsTiled), True);

Example 2: calling for a property of a boolean type (any nonzero value means True):

MyRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd(rvipDPMirrorMargins, 1, True);

Example 3: calling for multiple properties:

//var NewMargins: TRect

if MyRichViewEdit.CanChange then begin
  MyRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd(rvipLeftMargin,   NewMargins.Left,

  MyRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd(rvipTopMargin,    NewMargins.Top,

  MyRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd(rvipRightMargin,  NewMargins.Right,

  MyRichViewEdit.SetIntPropertyEd(rvipBottomMargin, NewMargins.Bottom,


See also methods:
