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Makes the given paragraph bulleted or numbered.

function SetListMarkerInfo(AItemNo, AListNo,

  AListLevel, AStartFrom, AParaNo: Integer;

  AUseStartFrom: Boolean): Integer;

(introduced in version 1.7)


AItemNo index of the item, in range from 0 to ItemCount-1. This is not necessary the index of list marker, it can be index of any item in the given paragraph. Items of subdocuments (table cells) are not included in the items range of the main document; for items in cells, use Cell.GetRVData.SetListMarkerInfo. If this paragraph does not have list marker, a new list marker is created; otherwise, properties of the existing marker are modified.

If AItemNo<0 or >=ItemCount, a new marker is added at the end of the document. It's assumed that at least one item will be added after such marker  in the same paragraph (see Valid Documents).

AListNo style of this list maker. This is an index in the collection of list styles (Style.ListStyles).

AListLevel list level. This is an index in the collection of list levels (Style.ListStyles[AListNo].Levels).

AStartFrom: if AUseStartFrom=True, and this is a numbered list, this parameter is a value of list counter for this marker. If AUseStartFrom=False, numbering is continued.

AParaNo is used to define paragraph style of marker (if it is added as the last item, i.e. AItemNo<0). This is an index in the collection of paragraph styles (Style.ParaStyles). If this marker is added to the existing paragraph, this parameter is ignored.


Method type: viewerstyle viewer-style.

Important note: list marker cannot be the only item in paragraph. It must be followed by other item. If you need empty markered paragraph, call Add to add empty text item after the list marker. See also: rules for valid documents


Return value: item index of the marker.


See also methods:



See also properties:



See also methods of TCustomRichViewEdit




See also:

List Markers.