<< Click to display table of contents >> TCustomRichView.OnProgress |
Occurs on long operations
TRVLongOperation = ( // defined in RVStyle unit
rvloRTFRead, rvloRTFWrite,
rvloRVFRead, rvloRVFWrite,
rvloHTMLRead, rvloHTMLWrite,
rvloTextRead, rvloTextWrite,
rvloConvertImport, rvloConvertExport,
rvloXMLRead, rvloXMLWrite,
rvloDocXRead, rvloDocXWrite,
rvloMarkdownRead, rvloMarkdownWrite,
rvloOtherRead, rvloOtherWrite
TRVProgressStage = // defined in RVStyle unit
(rvpstgStarting, rvpstgRunning, rvpstgEnding);
TRVProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TCustomRichView;
Operation: TRVLongOperation; Stage: TRVProgressStage;
PercentDone: Byte) of object;
property OnProgress: TRVProgressEvent;
(introduced in v1.9, changed in v14, v19)
First, it is called with parameter Stage=rvpstgStarting.
Next, it is called several times with parameter Stage=rvpstgRunning, with PercentDone in the range 0..100.
Finally, it is called with parameter Stage=rvpstgEnding.
This event occurs on the following operations:
▪reading/writing RTF;
▪reading/writing RVF;
▪reading/writing HTML;
▪writing DocX;
▪reading/writing a plain ANSI or Unicode text;
▪when calling TRVOfficeConverter.ImportRV and ExportRV.
Note: the event is called only if the document/source file is large enough.
See also: