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If this property is set to True, the editor deletes unused text, paragraph and list styles before posting to the database field.

property AutoDeleteUnusedStyles: Boolean;

(introduced in version 1.7)

If FieldFormat = rvdbRTF, rvdbDocX, rvdbHTML, unused styles are auto-deleted even if AutoDeleteUnusedStyles = False.

It's highly recommended to assign True to this property. However, the following condition are required to auto-delete styles correctly:

this editor must not share TRVStyle component with other TRichView controls (others TRichView controls must not be linked to the same TRVStyle component via Style property) and

collections of text, paragraph and list styles must be saved together with documents in the RVF field (see RVFOptions, rvfoSaveTextStyles and rvfoSaveParaStyles must be included for AutoDeleteUnusedStyles = True).


Default value:



See also

TRichView.Document.AutoDeleteUnusedStyles  (for LiveBindings)
