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A constructor, creates and initializes a new instance of TCustomRVFontInfo.

constructor Create(Collection: TCollection);override;

The constructor initializes:

// Properties inherited from TCustomRVInfo:

Standard    := True;

StyleName   := 'Font Style';

// Properties defined in TCustomRVFontInfo:

Size        := 10;

FontName    := 'Arial';

Color       := clWindowText;

UnderlineColor := clNone; 

BackColor   := clNone;

HoverColor  := clNone; 

HoverUnderlineColor := clNone; 

Charset     := DEFAULT_CHARSET; 

JumpCursor  := crDefault;

CharScale   := 100;

Other properties are initialized with zeros/False/empty values.

Note: usually, when you create a text style in code, you should assign Standard := False.