List of Global Constants and Variables

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List of Global Constants and Variables

Global Variables and Typed Constants

Editing, Caret

RichViewEditCaretWidthMode, RichViewEditCaretWidth define the caret width;

RichViewEditCaretHeightExtra: Integer, allows making the caret shorter or longer;

RichViewEditMinCaretHeight, RichViewEditMaxCaretHeight: Integer minimum/maximum possible caret height;

RichViewEditCustomCaretSize: Boolean allows changing caret size in an event.

RichViewEditCaretPosition: TRVHorizontalCaretPosition defines how the caret is aligned horizontally relative to the insertion point.

Editing, Other

RichViewEditDefaultProportionalResize: Boolean, specifies whether images are resized proportionally with the mouse;

RichViewEditEnterAllowsEmptyMarkeredLines: Boolean, enables or disables autodeletion of list marker from new empty lines;

RichViewUnicodeInput: TRichViewUnicodeInput, specifies how types Unicode characters are processed (in non-Unicode versions of Delphi);

RichViewTableAutoAddRow: Boolean, allows or disallows adding new table rows using Tab key, as well as deletion of table rows and columns using Backspace key.

RichViewCtrlUpDownScroll: Boolean, specifies how Ctrl + Up and Ctr + Down keys are processed.

Saving and Loading

RVDefaultLoadProperties: TRVDefaultLoadProperties, default properties for text and paragraph loaded from Markdown, HTML, RTF, DocX.

RichViewSavePInHTML: Boolean, instructs always using <p> for saving in HTML;

RichViewSaveDivInHTMLEx: Boolean, instructs always using <div> for saving in HTML;

RichViewCSSUseSystemColors: Boolean enables/disables saving system colors in CSS;

RichViewSavePageBreaksInText: Boolean, allows or disallows saving page breaking characters in plain text;

RichViewDoNotCheckRVFStyleRefs: Boolean, allows turning off checking for invalid style indices when loading RVF;

RichViewResetStandardFlag: Boolean, specifies whether to reset Standard property to False when inserting RVF;

RichViewPixelsPerInch: Integer, allows overriding the screen resolution;

RichViewAutoAssignNormalStyleTemplate: Boolean, specifies whether to assign "Normal" style template when loading unstyled paragraphs from RVF and RTF.

RichViewTableDefaultRTFAutofit: Boolean, allows saving tables as fit-by-content tables in RTF and DocX.

RichViewSaveHyperlinksInDocXAsFields defines how hyperlinks are saved in DocX.

DefaultRVFPixelsPerInch defines "pixels per inch" value for old RVF files.


RichViewTableAutoAddRow: Boolean, allows or disallows adding new table rows using Tab key, and deleting rows/columns using Backspace key;

RichViewAllowCopyTableCells: Boolean allows preventing copying multicell selection in a table to the Clipboard.

RichViewTableDefaultRTFAutofit: Boolean, allows saving tables as fit-by-content tables in RTF and DocX.

Formatting and Displaying

RichViewJustifyBeforeLineBreak:Boolean, specifies whether lines before line breaks are justified (expanded);

RichViewStringFormatMethod:Boolean, allows activating an alternative text measuring method;

RichViewShowGhostSpaces: Boolean, allows showing space characters "hidden" between lines.

RVVisibleSpecialCharacters: TRVSpecialCharacters specifies which special characters can be shown.

RVAlwaysShowPlaceholders: Boolean, allows showing placeholders for text boxes even if special characters are not shown.

RVThumbnailMaker: TRVThumbnailMaker, provides access to an object used to create scaled images;

RichViewMaxPictureCount: Integer maximal count of "active" images in TRichView control.

RichViewMaxThumbnailCount: Integer maximal count of scaled images stored in TRichView control.


RichViewPixelsPerInch: Integer, allows overriding the screen resolution;

RichViewAlternativePicPrint: Boolean, allows using an alternative picture printing method.

Live spelling check

RichViewApostropheInWord: Boolean, specifies how apostrophe characters are processed when finding word boundaries.


RVThumbnailMaker: TRVThumbnailMaker, provides access to an object used to create scaled images;

RVGraphicHandler: TRVGraphicHandler, provides access to an object used to manage graphic classes.


RichViewCompareStyleNames: Boolean, specifies whether StyleName property is used when comparing (and searching for) text, paragraph or list styles.

Global Functional Variables

RVIsCustomURL: TCustomRVIsURLFunction, allows defining your own URL prefixes.

RVGetSystemColor: TRVGetSystemColorFunction, allows using custom color schemes.


rvs*** constants: item types;

rveipc*** constants: integer properties of items;

rvespc*** constants: string properties of items;

Constants and variables related to Clipboard.

Color constants

Pen style constants