TSRVDrawScrollBarAreaEvent Type

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TSRVDrawScrollBarAreaEvent Type

A type of the following events of TSRVScrollBar:


Unit SRVSBar.


  TSRVDrawScrollBarAreaEvent = procedure(Sender: TSRVScrollBar;

    Canvas: TCanvas; ARect, PaintRect: TRect; isFirstArea: Boolean;

    State: TSRVDrawStatesvar DoDefault : Boolean) of object;


Canvas – a canvas where to draw.

ARect – a rectangle defining the position of the object to draw.

APaintRect – a rectangle that needs to be redrawn. You can use this parameter to optimize drawing.

isFirstAreaTrue if this event is called for the background area between the "dec button" and the thumb tab.

State – a set describing the current object state.

Set DoDefault to False to prevent the default drawing of this object.