TRVReportGaugeVisualizer.Color, MiddleColor

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TRVReportGaugeVisualizer.Color, MiddleColor

Background colors for gauges.

property Color: TRVColor;
property MiddleColor: TRVColor;

Color is inherited from TRVReportCustomValueVisualizer. See the description of the original property. TRVReportGaugeVisualizer overrides the initial value of this property.

Color is used to fill the rest of a gauge, not filled by colors corresponding to a value.


MiddleColor is used to fill the center of a gauge. If MiddleColor = rvclNone, gauges look like a semicircles, otherwise they look like arcs of semicircles.

Example (for VCL or LCL):

MiddleColor = clWhite, Color = $F0F0F0


MiddleColor = clNone, Color = $F0F0F0


Default values

Color: rvclWhite

MiddleColor: rvclWhite