<< Click to display table of contents >> TRVCrossTabLevel.CaptionFieldName |
A name of data field that can be used to show captions of cross-tab columns.
property CaptionFieldName: TRVUnicodeString;
If this property is not empty, it defines an alternative caption for columns of this level of the cross-tab table. This caption can be displayed (see cross-tab heading field syntax).
This property is used if TRVReportTableItemInfo.CrossTabulation.ColumnGenerationType is one of:
This property is useful if FieldName field contains some identifier, while a text description is stored in another field.
If SortType = rvrstCaptionsAscending or rvrstCaptionsDescending, and TRVReportTableItemInfo.CrossTabulation.ColumnGenerationType = rvcgtAutoSeparate or rvcgtAutoGroup, captions are used when sorting columns at this level of cross-tab (see also CaseSensitive property).
A data table for a cross-tab report is named "OrdersTable", it has fields: OrderId, ItemId, Quantity.
There is another table "ItemsTable", it has fields: ItemId, ItemName.
We want to build a cross-tab report that uses ItemId for cross-tab columns, but we want to display ItemName in the table header.
The simplest example of a template table for this report is below:
Order |
{#ItemName} |
N {OrderID} |
{Quantity} |
Table.CrossTabulation.ColumnGenerationType :=
Table.CrossTabulation.Column := 1;
Table.CrossTabulation.FirstRow := 0;
with Table.CrossTabulation.Levels.Add do
DataQuery :=
'SELECT ItemId, ItemName FROM ItemsTable ORDER BY ItemName';
FieldName := 'ItemId';
CaptionFieldName := 'ItemName';
with Table.RowGenerationRules.Add do
FirstRow := 1;
RowCount := 1;
DataQuery := 'SELECT * FROM OrdersTable';
KeyFieldNames := 'OrderId';
The resulting report table looks like:
Order |
Item A |
Item B |
Item C |
N 10001 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
N 10002 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
N 10003 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
N 10004 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
Default value:
'' (empty string)
See also