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A class of TRVCamera.FFMpegProperty.Remuxing. Contains properties configuring remuxing (saving to file without changing video and audio format) using FFmpeg.

Unit [VCL and LCL] MRVCamera;

Unit [FMX] fmxMRVCamera;


TRVFFMpegProperty = class(TPersistent)



Remuxing, short for re-multiplexing, is a video processing technique that transfers the contents of a multimedia file or stream into a different file format without altering the original encoding settings. It preserves the audio and video as they are, simply re-wrapping them from one container format to another. This differs from recoding with the TRVCamRecorder component, which generates video files using specified video and audio formats along with custom settings.

In RVMedia, remuxing is only available for videos played via FFmpeg, while TRVCamRecorder works with all video sources.

Remuxing requires FFmpeg version 4 or newer.


This class has the following properties:

Active: Boolean turns remuxing on/off (default value = False)

FileName: String is an output file name (default value = 'video.mp4')


Unlike other properties of TRVCamera.FFMpegProperty, changing values of the remuxing properties does not restart video playback. You can enable or disable remuxing, or change the output file name, while the video is playing.

The output video file format is determined by the extension of the FileName.

Only the played video stream and, optionally, the audio stream (if TRVCamera.FFMpegProperty.Audio = True and TRVCamSound is linked to this TRVCamera) are saved.