LoadRNNoise Procedure

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LoadRNNoise Procedure

[Re]Loads RNNoise libraries.

Unit [VCL and LCL] MRVRNNoise;

Unit [FMX] fmxMRVRNNoise;


function LoadRNNoise(Path: String = '';

  LibName: String = ''): Boolean;

By default, RNNoise libraries are loaded from from:

Windows: application folder (or folder from the PATH environment variable)

Linux: application folder

macOS: bundle folder, or "Contents/Resources/Data" folder in the bundle.

By default, the library has the following name:

Windows 32-bit: librnnoise-windows-x86.dll

Windows 64-bit: librnnoise-windows-x86-64.dll

Linux: librnnoise-linux-x86-64.so

macOS 64-bit ARM: librnnoise-macos-aarch64.dylib

macOS Intel: librnnoise-macos-x86-64.dylib

These values are used when Path or LibName are empty. You can call this function with the specified Path and/or LibName.

If RNNoise is already loaded, and Path or LibName are empty, this function does nothing and returns True. Otherwise, it tries to load RNNoise libraries and returns True on success.