Actions | Insert

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Actions | Insert

Insertion Actions

This group of actions includes commands to insert objects in the caret position, bookmark insertion and management.

insertfile TrvActionInsertFile

picture TrvActionInsertPicture

hline TrvActionInsertHLine

hyperlink TrvActionInsertHyperlink

bookmark TrvActionBookmarks

symbol TrvActionInsertSymbol

insertformula TrvActionInsertEquation*

insertnumber TrvActionInsertNumber

textbox TrvActionInsertTextBox

pagenumber TrvActionInsertPageNumber

pagecount TrvActionInsertPageCount

pagebreak TrvActionInsertPageBreak

objectcaption TrvActionInsertCaption

* the action is not included in RichViewActions directly, it is included in a separate package.

See also

footnote TrvActionInsertFootnote

endnote TrvActionInsertEndnote

sidenote TrvActionInsertSidenote

table TrvActionInsertTable