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About Paging of Large Texts in Cells(关于单元格中大段文字的分页问题)

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 6:48 am
by suikhan
(Chinese)在TSRichViewEdit中,有一个某一行中有大段文字的表格在页尾的位置,如果在表格的上方持续增加文字,表格的分页能够实现,但是大段文字不能够被分割到两页中,我在ScaleRichView的Editor Demo中运行时候是下面这样的效果:
(English)In TSRichViewEdit, there is a table with large text in a row at the end of the page. If the text is continuously added to the top of the table, the paging of the table can be achieved, but the large text can not be divided into two pages. When I run in Editor Demo of ScaleRichView, the effect is as follows:
1.png (76.45 KiB) Viewed 113745 times
2.png (69.4 KiB) Viewed 113745 times
(English)When performing the above operation in Writer in the LibraOffice component, the result is similar to the following two pictures:
3.png (29.08 KiB) Viewed 113745 times
4.png (28.58 KiB) Viewed 113745 times

Re: About Paging of Large Texts in Cells(关于单元格中大段文字的分页问题)

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 3:45 pm
by Sergey Tkachenko
Unfortunately (unlike TRichView), ScaleRichView cannot add page breaks inside table cells. Page breaks can be only between rows.