Auslastung bei Verwendung von RVMedia

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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Auslastung bei Verwendung von RVMedia

Post by magickh »

Wer hat Erfahrung mit der CPU Auslastung bei Verwendung von RVmedia?
Aktuell verarbeite ich einen Stream einer IPCam und die CPU Auslastung steigt um ca. 25% an. Komischerweise ist beim Streamen mit dem VCLPlayer kaum ein Anstieg der CPU Last (ca.3%) zu erkennen?

Hat jemand Erfahrung?

Danke, Grüße
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

What's format of IP camera stream - MJpeg or H264?
What's IP camera resolution?
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Post by magickh »

Format: MJPG
Resolution: rv160_120
URL: ... _qvalue=50
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

I cannot access this video stream.

I believe 160_120 is not a real resolution.
Resolution property may be used if you specify the camera as CameraHost:CameraPort and then call SearchCamera. In this case, the component tries to make video URL specifying video resolution for the camera.
If you directly assign URL property, this property is ignored.

The developer said that RVMedia can use FFmpeg (if it is available) even if DeviceType=rvdtIPCamera (FFmpeg is used by VLC player too)
So you can try to copy 32-bit FFmpeg dlls (from ) to the application folder, restart the application and check CPU usage.

Can you also check CPU usage on this video:
(with and without FFmpeg)?

By the way, what demo do you use to test?

PS: there is a possibility that FFmpeg is somewhere in global paths and the application uses it even if its libraries not in the application folder; you can turn it on/off in RVCamera.UseFFMPEG property.
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Post by magickh »

Sorry, i can not see any changes in CPU usage after using FFmpeg dlls.
You are asking for demo version. Yes i`m still using RVMedia v2.2.3, trial version . Is there any advantage in using regular version regarding speed and CPU usage?
I already have the permission to buy the regular version for a site licence, but first i wanna see that it works with a few cameras.
Actual i still have the same problem. High CPU usage and jerking stream.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Please upgrade your trial to version 3 and retest.
We made some optimizations in version 3.
And FFmpeg is supported only in version 3.
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Post by magickh »

Nearly the same result as before.

If i copy the dlls into the application folder, i´ve got a very smooth stream and the application looks quite good. Unfortunately, CPU usage is around 50% with two streams. Is that normal?
If i am using just VLC player i´ve got a CPU Usage of 8% for 2 streams with exactly the same URL as in the application.

Processor ist i7 with 1.70Ghz, Win7 32bit.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Try not-showing video, i.e. remove link from a video viewer to TRVCamera.
Video will be received, but not displayed.
How does this change affect CPU usage?
We need to know, if the problem is in receiving/decoding or in displaying.

Also, please try changing video viewer's RenderMode property to OpenGL and DirectX. How does it affect CPU usage?
Note: for OpenGL and DirectX mode, showing caption and frames may degrade performance, try assigning ShowFrameRect è ShowCaption = False.

In the version that is currently in development, we optimized video drawing on the screen. So, if the problem in drawing, new version may be more optimal. I hope we will be able to create a new version for testing in the next couple of days.
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Post by magickh »

I´ve i remove the link to the VideoSource the CPU usage is close to zero. It seems that the problem is just in displaying the stream.

Using DirectX, ShowFrameRect = false, ShowCaption = false ->CPU Usage 65%
Using OpenGL, ShowFrameRect = false, ShowCaption = false ->CPU Usage 50%
Using Auto, ShowFrameRect = false, ShowCaption = false ->CPU Usage 65%
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Thank you for testing.
We will give you a link for an update with optimized drawing as soon as it will be ready (although, I do not thing that this optimization will reduce CPU usage very significantly).

One more test please - try a mode of drawing without stretching, assign RVCamView.ViewMode = vvmNormal or vvmCenter.
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Post by magickh »

Using vvmNormal or vvmCenter CPU Usage is around 20-25%.
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