How to extend the standard updation of TrvAction

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How to extend the standard updation of TrvAction

Post by vit »

I’ve already wrote the similar question but I haven’t got the answer :( So now I repeat it in other words I hope you’ll help me.

I want to extend the updation of TrvAction. For example there is TrvActionTableInsertRowsBelow. It’s enabled when the cursor is at the table and document is not read-only and so on. I need to save this behavior and add some extra conditions. For example I want to action is only enabled if the table has 3 columns and 2 rows.
In order to achieve this I add TrvActionTableInsertRowsBelow to the action list and implement OnUpdate event:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.aInsertRowsBellowUpdate(Sender: TObject);
  (Sender as TAction).Enabled := AreMyConditionsSatisfied;
But this approach is not correct because it doesn’t use the standard conditions checking of TrvActionTableInsertRowsBelow. If I understood right, at this point (Sender as TAction).Enabled doesn't contain the value which is calculated by TrvActionTableInsertRowsBelow, this is just value remained from previous checking.
Sergey Tkachenko
Site Admin
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Probably, the best solution is creating an action inherited from TrvActionInsertRowsBelow.

Also, you can process focus change and OnCaretMove event, and set Disabled=True property for the action if your condition is not satisfied.
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