Unnecessary compiling of TRichView modules.

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Unnecessary compiling of TRichView modules.

Post by jfleming »

When I compile my program using DelphiXE2, it also compiles a long list of RichView modules (BackRVFrm.dcu, BaseRVFrm.dcu, RVColorCombo.dcu, etc) and places the dcu files in the folder where my programs' object files are deposited.

Why is this ???

Surely the TRichView modules should not be compiled each time, but linked in from a common folder created when the packages were installed ??

What am I doing wrong ?? What should I configure in Delphi/Tools/Options to avoid this happening ???

Jim Fleming
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Please send me a sample project reproducing this problem (richviewgmailcom)
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Post by jfleming »

Sergey Tkachenko wrote:Please send me a sample project reproducing this problem (richviewgmailcom)
Will do, Sergey, but the other, RTF, problem is more urgent so will do this in the next few days.

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Post by jfleming »

Have just sent an email with accompanying zip file. If you need any further data about my configuration, options or what have you, you need only ask.

Jim Fleming
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Your zip does not include dproj file containing the project configuration.
With autocreated dproj file, Delphi XE2 (update 2) places exe and dcu files in the same directory as the source file, and only Unit1.dcu is created here.
Posts: 19
Joined: Tue May 25, 2010 4:58 pm

Post by jfleming »


Have just sent the missing dproj file.

The described behaviour (unnecessary recompiles) is also seen by another, bigger, program of mine, but it does not create a sub-tree of folders with all dcus and the exe down in the tree -- it generates all dcus of my program in the project source folder.

However, it does recompile all RichView modules, as does the first program, but places them in the TRichView install folder (C:/Archivos de programa/TRichView).

Both programs are compiled with the Debug build configuration.

Jim Fleming
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