I am trying to achieve maximum compatibility of exported RTF.
RTFOptions default to: rvrtfDuplicateUnicode + rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF + rvrtfSaveJpegAsJpeg.
If I export a document with all kinds of formatting and pictures (BMP and JPEG) using the above setting, Win2k WordPad loses the JPEG pictures (Word 97 is fine though).
I have experimented with all possible RTFOptions combinations (except for rvrtfSaveStyleSheet that I left out as per your recommendation in the Help). I discovered that the following combination (actually, just a single flag) produces RTF files that are "good". By "good" I mean that WordPad displays the JPEG picture, and that picture looks nice and smooth (as opposed to ugly and pixelated as what I got with a single rvrtfSaveEMFDefault option included). So, here's the "good" value: rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault.
These 2 flags were "bad" in my experiments (they were either preventing WordPad from seeing the JPEG picture or making it pixelated):
rvrtfSaveJpegAsJpeg, rvrtfSaveEMFDefault
These 2 flags didn't seem to make any difference in my tests. I must note that my RichView document is totally non-Unicode.
rvrtfDuplicateUnicode, rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF
So, finally

WordPad seems perfectly happy with any of the following (since the last 2 flags don't seem to make any difference):
rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault + rvrtfDuplicateUnicode
rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault + rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF
rvrtfSaveBitmapDefault + rvrtfDuplicateUnicode + rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF
What application or what RichView Item could suffer from which ones of the above? I mean, I don't know much about EMF and WMF. What sort of stuff should I have in a RV document that rvrtfSaveEMFAsWMF flag would even make a difference? Well, I guess you get the idea of what I'm worried about...
Thank you in advance,