Unusual install issue

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Unusual install issue

Post by cbc70037 »

I needed to reinstall TRichView and the HTMLImport and Actions from a previously working set up, and am now having an install problem that I cannot seem to get around.

After cleaning up every possible item related to RV, I reinstalled these three items following the install instructions to the letter.

I have each of the 3 items in different folders, and have all 3 folders in the Delphi global Lib path. The only change I have made to each of the packages is to have them drop the output and .dcp files in the current folder ('.'). I installed everything per the instructions. It worked fine. The moment I select "New VCL Win32 project", I get an error that mentions that it cannot find the rvpkgd9.bpl file. This design time library is along the Delphi lib path, but not in a global folder (per the instructions).

So then I uninstalled all packages from D9 and exited. I moved all RV related .bpl files (left the .dcp's where they were at) to a global folder. Then I, as I did at the start, confirmed that there are no other RV .bpls anywhere. Loaded D9. Installed all packages in the right order. Create new project. I get the exact message, "Can't load package C:\Data\Tools\System\RVPkgD9.bpl. Component TRVStyle can't be registered by package rvpkgd9.bpl because it has already been registered by package rvpkgd9.bpl".

That's the exact message. I do not have another rvpkgd9.bpl anywhere. I only have 1, in a global folder (along the system path). And I have nothing in the \My Documents\Borland Studio Projects\Bpl folder.

And this is all after I carefully removed all traces of RV references from the BDS registry tree under Package Cache.

No matter what I try, I cannot seem to get these components installed.

Another question:

In general, do .bpl and their associated .dcp files need to be in the same folder, or can the .dcps just be along the Delphi Lib path.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Oh, this is Delphi2005.
It looks like it tries to load the same package twice, and the second loading is failed. Are you sure that the package is not installed after this error message?

I do not recommend to move dcp and bpl files from their default location.

Post by Guest »

Yes sorry. Its D2005 with all updates.

If I correctly install all packages (RV, HTML, Actions), I can immediately see all components in the Palette. I always make sure that there are no projects loaded, so whatever components are added, they become the default.

If I terminate and re-launch in this state and immediately go to create a new Win32 VCL project, I get the same messages, and find that RichView and HTML are not loaded (they are not checked), but the RVData and Actions are. But, looking at the component palette reveals all components are there: RV components across 2 pages, DB components on the first page, and HTML and Actions on the first page also.

The moment I drop an RV component (not HTML) on the form, then the RichView package all of the sudden becomes checked in packages. The same is true for HTML. Very baffling.

I will clean again and reinstall, this time leaving eveything in its default location.

Any other thoughts? I'll report back. Thanks.

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Post by cbc70037 »

I guess I was not logged in on my last reply. The previous message was from carltoncraighead. Thanks.

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Post by cbc70037 »

I started over again. Here is an exact log of what just happened.

Using D2005 with all updates. All the latest versions of RV (registered), HTML and Actions.

Richview in C:\Program Files\DelphiTools\TRichview.
HTML importer in C:\Program Files\DelphiTools\RvHtmlImporter.
Actions in C:\Program Files\DelphiTools\RichViewActions.

A. Cleaned up everything. No RV .bpls/.dcps anywhere.
B. Using default paths for building items.
C. Performed a File / Close All.
D. Opened and installed RVPkgD9. Took ~3 seconds. Closed it.
E. Opened and installed RVDBPkgD9. Took ~25 seconds. Closed it.
F. Opened and installed rvhtmld9. Tooks ~3 seconds. Closed it.
G. I had to add TRichView to lib path to get above to compile.
H. Opened and compiled rvActionsRunD9. Took ~3 seconds. Closed it.
I. Moved rvActionsRunD9.bpl to global folder (verified global).
J. Left rvActionsRunD9.dcp where it was created (\My Documents\Borland Studio Projects\Bpl).
K. Opened and installed rvActionsD9. Took ~3 seconds. Closed it.
L. I went into Install Packages; all packages installed.
M. Exit Delphi.
N. Relaunch. It loads with no messages.
O. I go into Install Packages. All packages are installed.
P. RichView and HTML are not enabled.
Q. RichViewDB and Actions are enabled.
R. I create a new VCL Win32 app.
S. I get same message: "TRVStyle can't be registered".
T. A second message is there: "TRvHtmlImporter can't be registered". Double load on rvhtmld9.bpl.
U. I go back into Install Packages. Same setup as O, P and Q above.
V. I check the component palette; all components are there.
W. I drop a TRVStyle on the form; took 30 seconds.
X. I drop a TRvHtmlImporter on the form; took 1 second.
Y. I inspect Install Packages again; all packages are enabled.

I am baffled by this problem.


Is it a typical scenario to place all RV related components in the same folder and install from there?


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Post by cbc70037 »

Does anyone have any comments on my last post? It is a detailed log of the trouble I am finding trying to get these 3 components installed.


Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

So, as I understand, all works, but there are annoying messages about "package cannot be installed", and the package window shows wrong info (the package is not checked, but all components from it can be used).
Am I right?
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Post by cbc70037 »

Yes, this is pretty much the case. Except -- when I load a project, I will sometimes get component errors because during the load, Delphi will realize that the TRichView components I am using on forms, to it, appear uninstalled.

Very annoying. Something is causing the main RVPkg9.bpl to be multiply loaded, and I cannot figure it out.

I notice that TRichView is designtime only, HTMLImporter is designtime & runtime, and RVActions had 1 designtime piece and 1 runtime piece. Could this be a potential issue?

I think D2005 is caching and using a reference to some of these packages. I have looked, to no avail.

Can you think of any other approaches I can take to get around these issues?


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Post by martindholmes »

I've had the same problem, almost every time I've updated TRV. The RVActions package seems to be the worst offender. I've found that if I choose "No" when asked whether I want to try to load the package again next time Delphi starts, the problem goes away. But I must admit I've avoided using RVActions as a result of this; most of the time I can never get the demo to run.
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Post by martindholmes »

I'd like it to go in the direction of a formal installer for all the packages, which would update an existing installation if it found one, so that bozos like me don't have to remember all the steps to go through in the right order, and get all worried when it goes wrong.

I don't think Sergey has the time for this, but I have some experience creating ordinary installs with InnoSetup (also a Delphi app, open-source), and if he'd be prepared to advise, and a couple of other people would jump in to help, I wonder if we could get something together between us that would install the complete set of packages successfully? It won't be a simple job, but we might all be glad we did it a few months down the road. I know I hold off from updating for months sometimes because I'm scared it'll blow up and I'll be diverted from my projects for ages trying to get it fixed.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Well, of course, if you want to create a better install, you can count on my support.
A good install should
- use Delphi compiler to compile packages and install them;
- add the path to the library path;
- check if there are different versions of trichview in different directories (listed in library paths) and delete them from library paths;
- delete old compiler results (bpl, dcp)

But Delphi2005 is a special case. All problems mentioned in this thread happen only with it.
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Post by martindholmes »

If these problems really do only occur with D2005, then we should probably figure out what's causing them before we start building an installer. We might create the installer only to discover it gives exactly the same problems.

I'd suggest we try this:

Next time there's an update, those of us using D2005 make a detailed list of the steps we take to install the update, any error messages that result, and any failures of components (which we can test by trying to compile all the demos). We should be able to discover, at the very least, whether the problems are consistent across various D2005 installations; at best, we might find that one approach causes problems and another doesn't, so we can figure out a safe way to install.

Sergey, are you running D2005?

Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

No, I just use it for testing. I did not encounter the described problems, but may be it's because I do not use D2005 intensively.

For some reasons I prefer using D6 for coding. I believe (and there are reasons for it) that D2006 will be better than D2005.
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Post by shmp »

Have anyone having those problems tried to rebuild the rv package on their machines? It is just a hunch.

Another thing, if the rvActions is not compatible with rve, there will definitely be a problem, especially with component register.

The disabled components highly suggest that they are not registered because they are having problems with the supporting component or components.

Solution: Update the added components like TRVAction.

Good luck.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

If packages are not compatible (for example, you have installed a new version of TRichView but not updated RichViewActions yet), Delphi may show error messages that (RichViewActions) packages cannot be installed (because they refer to some obsolete function/property).
It's normal :) Ignore these error messages and update all packages in the proper order.
More info about the installation:
http://www.trichview.com/support/trichv ... dguide.htm
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