insertrows and font size

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insertrows and font size

Post by totaldecodes »

When calling insertrows on a table the font size defaults to 10 even though none of the styles have this font size. How do I make the cells default to a font size of 8 when inserting rows.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

By default, new cells uses TextStyles[0] and ParaStyles[0].
But you can specify the row to copy attributes (including text and paragraph styles) in CopyIndex parameter of InsertRows.
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Post by totaldecodes »

Hi Sergey

It seems to be a bit more complicated than that. The document I am formatting was saved using a different program to the one reformatting it. I have had to use the following line of code to fix it.

ItemsTable.Cells[RowCount, 0].GetRVStyle.TextStyles[0].Size:= 8;

ItemsTable is a TRVTableItemInfo object.

I am assuming that the RichViewEdit is assigning styles at file load time that do not match with those defined at design time.

Sergey Tkachenko
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Posts: 17571
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Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

If the document contains text styles (was saved with rvfoSaveTextStyles in rv.RVFOptions) and loaded in RichView having RVFTextStylesReadMode<>rvf_sIgnore), styles in the document replace existing styles.
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