Table and print width

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Table and print width

Post by tothpaul »


on a RichView, the customer create a document with a specif tag. This tag is replaced by a Table width some information (the 3rd column on the pictture)

in the RichvView editor everything seems ok with "GUILLAUME" on a second line so the table do not overflow the document width, but in TRVPrint (and on a printer/pdf...) the line do not split and the table is truncated.

how can I avoid that ?

the document
(4.02 KiB) Downloaded 27 times
the document in TRVPrint
the document in TRVPrint
table2.png (11.37 KiB) Viewed 3245 times
the document in TRichViewEdit
the document in TRichViewEdit
table1.png (15.78 KiB) Viewed 3245 times
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