How show the header and footer ?
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:56 pm
How show the header and footer ?
As I show the header and footer while editing a document ?
As I show the header and footer while editing a document ?
- Posts: 7
- Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:56 pm
Hi,proxy3d wrote:Support of header and footer is planned for June. ..
is the Support of header and footer realized in the new version of ScaleRichView?
Is it possible over an other "way" to realized Header and Footer (e.g. in the OnDraw routine)?
If so, can you give me an example code?
I test to time the trial version.
Best regards,
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i have installed the trial-version of ScaleRichView and tested it.
The Demo "Header and Footer" is very good, but I have a question about.
Is it possible to extend this demo?
To Example with:
- multiline Footertext with the possibility of left-, right- and center alignment
That would be perfect!
Thanks and very good work,
Best regards
i have installed the trial-version of ScaleRichView and tested it.
The Demo "Header and Footer" is very good, but I have a question about.
Is it possible to extend this demo?
To Example with:
- multiline Footertext with the possibility of left-, right- and center alignment
That would be perfect!
Thanks and very good work,
Best regards
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- Site Admin
- Posts: 17721
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:28 am
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i forgot, the "Canvas.Pen.Style" to define.
So, this works fine (draws a horizontal line in the footer):
Best regards
i forgot, the "Canvas.Pen.Style" to define.

So, this works fine (draws a horizontal line in the footer):
Code: Select all
Canvas.Pen.Style:=psSolid; //<- ;)
Canvas.MoveTo(PR.Left +srve.LeftMargin100Pix ,PR.Bottom - H);
Canvas.LineTo(PR.Right-srve.RightMargin100Pix,PR.Bottom - H);
DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), PR, DT_center)
Best regards