Query w/r to updates to very important - and apparently very vaguely addressed - questions

RVMedia support and discussion (components for displaying and controlling IP cameras, webcams, video conferencing, video chats, recording audio and video files)
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Query w/r to updates to very important - and apparently very vaguely addressed - questions

Post by DeerBear »

  1. Status of MacOSX, Android, iOS?
  2. FFMpeg: which version to use? I would love to see a straight "use $this-and-that version"
  3. Demos in Play/App Store: are there any?
  4. Demos in Demo folder: there seems to be nothing for MacOSX/Android/iOS. But I haven't checked the compiled demos.
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: Query w/r to updates to very important - and apparently very vaguely addressed - questions

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Currently, only Windows platform is supported in VCL and FMX (and Windows and Linux in Lazarus).
Other platforms are planned but sorry, I cannot tell when they will be implemented.

RVMedia can use any version of FFmpeg, I recommend using the newest stable build.
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Re: Query w/r to updates to very important - and apparently very vaguely addressed - questions

Post by DeerBear »

Okay, thanks!

It is very unfortunate that it cannot support MacOSX, Android and iOS yet.
Would you be able to share what the big hold up with those is, please?
Given the support for SKIA, I would assume that if it's a graphical issue then you could probably require that SKIA components are installed, that would definitely be reasonable in my view.


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Re: Query w/r to updates to very important - and apparently very vaguely addressed - questions

Post by DeerBear »

As a workable alternative, have you considered implementing WebRTC as well?
That might open up a flowing WebRTC market for your server components and - if you make client components as well - for your client components to other WebRTC servers (which may be already working making the proposition of a pair less interesting).

The advantages of this would be that you get a much higher cash flow in the medium and long term, while protecting your business and also picking up ideas that may come from third parties who need to support widely used extensions.

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