adding text to an image in SRV page

ScaleRichView support and discussion (TRichView add-on for WYSIWYG editing)
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adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by fara2000 »

assuming I could catch the image item in SRV page by:
Item:=SRV.RichViewEdit.GetItem(ItemNo) as TRVGraphicItemInfo;
How can I combine by code a text(example: 'image no 1' ) to this catched image ?
Thanks in advance
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Do you want to draw a text on the image (by modifying the image?)
Or do you want to insert text before or after this image?
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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by fara2000 »

I wish drawing atext on the image. I want the text to be a part of the image item
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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by standay »

Here's one way to do it (note that I'm using a plain TRichViewEdit, not an SRV but it should work the same). You'd have to work out how to size the text, set text color, font and all that in your app:

Code: Select all

  i, centerText: integer;
  item: TRVGraphicItemInfo;
  gr: TGraphic;
  grOut: boolean;
  rve.LoadRVF('Image Test.rvf');
  for i := 0 to rve.ItemCount-1 do
    if rve.GetItemStyle(i) = rvsPicture then
      item := rve.GetItem(i) as TRVGraphicItemInfo;
      bmp := TBitmap.Create;
      bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;

      bmp.Canvas.Font.Size := 72;
      bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
      bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;

      centerText := (bmp.Width - bmp.Canvas.TextWidth('Image Caption Test')) div 2;
      bmp.Canvas.TextOut(centerText,10,'Image Caption Test');

      bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
      bmp.Canvas.TextOut(centerText-4,10-4,'Image Caption Test');

Original image (no caption):
before.png (203.46 KiB) Viewed 138202 times
Captioned image:
After.png (208.03 KiB) Viewed 138202 times
Once saved, the caption is no longer editable which may be what you want. If not, you might be better off to add captions in an image app like photoshop or paint shop pro and then insert the image (saving the original image to re-caption later), or just put a formatted text caption below the image so it remains editable. That said, I was surprised how well the code above worked to add a caption!

Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

Thank you very much!

I suggest several corrections:
1) I highly recommend using SetPictureInfo to change pictures. It performs some additional operations (such as updating thumbnails if the image is resized)
2) This procedure does not change pictures in table cells. Recursive calls are needed.
3) This procedure does not process hypertext pictures, because they have different StyleNo. So it's better to check if the item has type TRVGraphicItemInfo.
4) Not all graphic classes can be assigned to TBitmap and back. So I suggest using methods of TRVGraphicHandler (RVGrHandler unit) and try...except.

My code is below:

Code: Select all

procedure AddCaptions(RVData: TCustomRVData);
  i, r, c, centerText: integer;
  gr, newgr: TGraphic;
  Table: TRVTableItemInfo;
  GrName: TRVUnicodeString;
  GrVAlign: TRVVAlign;
  GrTag: TRVTag;
  for i := 0 to RVData.ItemCount-1 do
    if RVData.GetItem(i) is TRVTableItemInfo then
      Table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(i));
      for r := 0 to Table.RowCount - 1 do
        for c := 0 to Table.ColCount - 1 do
    else if RVData.GetItem(i) is TRVGraphicItemInfo then
      RVData.GetPictureInfo(i, GrName, Gr, GrVAlign, GrTag);
      newgr := RVGraphicHandler.Clone(gr);
      bmp := RVGraphicHandler.ToBitmap(gr);

      bmp.Canvas.Font.Size := 72;
      bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
      bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;

      centerText := (bmp.Width - bmp.Canvas.TextWidth('Image Caption Test')) div 2;
      bmp.Canvas.TextOut(centerText,10,'Image Caption Test');

      bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;
      bmp.Canvas.TextOut(centerText-4,10-4,'Image Caption Test');
        RVData.SetPictureInfo(i, GrName, newgr, GrVAlign, GrTag);
        RVData.SetPictureInfo(i, GrName, bmp, GrVAlign, GrTag);

Code: Select all

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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by standay »

Thanks Sergey, that's a lot cleaner than what I was trying to do. I made a couple of changes to try and help with some of it. I added a vertical position param. If it's set to -1 it puts the caption at the bottom. I also use my rve current item number so I only change the caption on a selected image. I tried to add some adjustment for font size and drop shadow size. What I put in is better than when I hard coded it, but what I did may not be correct in all circumstances. And, I added an edit box to set the caption text.

The current drawbacks are:
  • Captions are not editable (or undoable) after they are set. One way to get around that would be to insert a new image in place of the original one. You can then set up an undo group. I actually did that before I saw your update, but your update works better.
  • Font size and drop shadow offset are variable depending on how much the image has been resized. In other words, a 12pt caption on one image may look completely different (relatively speaking) when used on another image. I got around that a little with bmp.Canvas.Font.Size := gr.Height div 16
Below is my slightly modified code. Oh, I did this when calling it so it would update immediately:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.AddCaptions(RVData: TCustomRVData; VPos:integer);
  i, r, c, centerText, dropShadow: integer;
  gr, newgr: TGraphic;
  Table: TRVTableItemInfo;
  GrName: TRVUnicodeString;
  GrVAlign: TRVVAlign;
  GrTag: TRVTag;

  i := rve.CurItemNo; //my test rve

  if RVData.GetItem(i) is TRVTableItemInfo then
    Table := TRVTableItemInfo(RVData.GetItem(i));
    for r := 0 to Table.RowCount - 1 do
      for c := 0 to Table.ColCount - 1 do
  else if RVData.GetItem(i) is TRVGraphicItemInfo then
    RVData.GetPictureInfo(i, GrName, Gr, GrVAlign, GrTag);
    newgr := RVGraphicHandler.Clone(gr);
    bmp := RVGraphicHandler.ToBitmap(gr);

    bmp.Canvas.Font.Size := gr.Height div 16 ;
    bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clBlack;
    bmp.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;

    dropShadow := bmp.Canvas.Font.Size div 16;
    if dropShadow < 1 then dropShadow := 1;

    //Place caption at bottom:
    if VPos = -1 then
      VPos := bmp.Height - (bmp.Canvas.TextHeight(Edit1.Text) + 10) ;

    centerText := (bmp.Width - bmp.Canvas.TextWidth(Edit1.Text)) div 2;

    bmp.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite;

      RVData.SetPictureInfo(i, GrName, newgr, GrVAlign, GrTag);
      RVData.SetPictureInfo(i, GrName, bmp, GrVAlign, GrTag);


bottom cap.png
bottom cap.png (218.24 KiB) Viewed 138189 times
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Post by ChinaLer »

This would be a great feature
I cant find it in any of the release notes so I guess its not ready yet.

When do you think this feature will be available?
Sergey Tkachenko
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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by Sergey Tkachenko »

In the current version, there is an event where you can draw text (or something else) on top of images: OnAfterDrawImage.
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Re: adding text to an image in SRV page

Post by standay »

Hi Sergey and ChinaLer,

I've tried both OnAfterDrawImage and tables. I'll put in a couple of screenshots below.

The OnAfterDrawImage looks good, but there's a couple of things ChinaLer might need to keep in mind. The title is not (as far as I can tell) part of the image, so you have to figure out a way to create and position the text. If using ACanvas.TextOut this isn't too bad, but if you use Windows.DrawText then it gets trickier, although DrawText wraps the text easily (i.e., the first screenshot). Also, the text is not directly editable so you have to code for that. Ultimately though, this may be the easier of the two to implement.

Tables are nice in that the text can be part of the table cell, and the text remains editable and easy to format. But once you start in with tables, you have to make sure all your code handles them when it runs across them.

I like the look of the after draw method, but the table might be better if text needs to stay easily editable. So far I'm still using the simplest way and just adding image captions in text below the image, or occasionally adding text to an image in a paint program, then putting that edited image into my rve. When I have some time I plan to revisit this again and do some more experimentation.


OnAfterDrawImage method
OnAfterDrawImage method
Image8.png (203.35 KiB) Viewed 132280 times
Table cell with text
Table cell with text
Image7.png (96.32 KiB) Viewed 132280 times
Plain text below image
Plain text below image
Image9.png (71.62 KiB) Viewed 132280 times
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