I'm using the demo application ffmepg RVMEDIA V6 on XE10.2 to connect four rtsp network cameras. As a result, the streaming is not smooth but the worst thing is that artifacts appear in the image, as if the decoder was missing packages to paint. All the cameras point to the same scene but in the received streaming you can see a big delay between the different cameras. sometimes more than two seconds.
But, if I open several cmd windows and run ffplay using the same ffmepg libraries as the ffmpeg-demo appplication, this doesn't happens.
Code: Select all
start cmd /k ffplay rtsp://
start cmd /k ffplay rtsp://
start cmd /k ffplay rtsp://
start cmd /k ffplay rtsp://
The artifacks I'm talking about looks like the "Testing RVCamera - Video blurred". but sometime it is worst!

Is there a way to config the FFMpegProperty in order to avoid these artifacts? And reduce the delay?